Bidrin 8
Bidrin® 8 insecticide has versatile use patterns throughout the season on sucking/piercing pests. Provides control of thrips, fleahoppers, stink bugs and tarnished plant bugs, giving cotton growers the advantage of reducing damage and yield loss.
- Rainfast within three hours
- Provides suppression of aphids without flaring spider mites
- Excellent tank-mix flexibility
- Quick knockdown of nymph and adult plant bugs
- Unmatched control of all stink bug species
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AMVAC’s website is updated regularly and may not contain the most current EPA registered product label or safety data sheet. Please contact your local AMVAC representative to confirm you have current product information. It is the sole responsibility of the end user to read and follow product use directions and to comply with all federal, state or local laws. This product may not be registered in all states and users are advised to confirm that the product is registered in all states of intended use.
BIDRIN is a Restricted Use Pesticide.